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Elsafra II propone un'ampia gamma di soluzioni per investitori e imprese di piccole-medie dimensioni, volte a favorire la crescita e l'accesso al mercato. Tra i servizi principali vi sono la ricerca di investimenti in capitale di rischio, il supporto nel favorire l'accesso al credito e le valutazioni aziendali, al fine di supportarne la crescita e l'espansione sui mercati nazionali ed internazionali. 

Financial Advisor

Elsafra II, in recent years, has strengthened its activity as an advisor, also in the financial sector of the latest generation (Fintech), in financial consultancy linked to private banking, in the M&A and in strategic finance, specifically in: finance, real estate and innovative sustainable technologies.

As a financial advisor, several activities covered by the holding include:

  • Support in the search for industrial or financial partners for the sale of shares or companies, or for corporate mergers.

  • Arranging finances to support growth through external acquisitions.

  • Assistance in finding companies to acquire.

  • Carrying out company evaluations and sectoral analysis.

  • Assistance and participation in the organization of public purchase or exchange offers.

  • Organization of management operations. 

Furthermore, Elsafra II provides a series of additional and functional services to ongoing operations, or pure consultancy, with the aim of offering its customers the widest possible range of options available for each specific operation.

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Stock Trading Graph

Asset Market

Elsafra II provides its support to entrepreneurs who wish to start their own business and/or to companies looking to raise capital on regulated markets to foster their growth.

Assistance with IPOs and capital increases begins with identifying the most suitable market for the company's needs through feasibility studies and preliminary evaluations. Elsafra II sets the timing of the listing project and plans the activities to be undertaken.

For companies in need of support for internal industrial development or those wishing to carry out financial operations, the holding, along with its industry-experienced collaborators and lawyers, takes care of preparing project and business model-related documents, providing assistance in various stages:

  • Financial and balance sheet analysis.

  • Evaluation of the industrial plan and definition of intervention guidelines.

  • Creation of the Business Plan, Pitch Deck, and "Investor Memorandum" samples.

  • Marketing and communication services to promote media growth for their businesses.

  • Evaluation of strategic positioning in the reference sector.

  • Definition of the operation's structure, including timing, financial instruments, and any public offering of subscription or sale operations.

  • Determination of cash flows expected for the investments subject to the operation.

Elsafra II aims to be a partner in supporting companies in the responsible management of debt and in finding appropriate solutions to foster the recovery and safeguarding of their activities.

Real Estate

In the real estate sector, Elsafra II has distinguished itself by developing the first sustainable house called "ACTIVE HOUSE". This unique independent villa, measuring approximately 1200 square meters, is not only environmentally friendly with zero on-site emissions, but is also economically self-sufficient and independent from an energy perspective. Thanks to incentives, not only is the property cost-free in terms of consumption, but it will also receive a substantial contribution for twenty-five years.

Since the 1990s, Elsafra II and its subsidiaries have also developed activities in the real estate sector through purpose-built companies that have carried out projects and acquired properties for resale. Over time, some of these properties have become part of the company's assets.

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Urbano Architettura

Management of Large Assets

Elsafra II is a structure of primary importance in Finance and Real Estate. In the latter area, with particular reference to the purchase, sale, exchange, construction, renovation, management and non-financial leasing of residential and non-residential real estates.


The operations managed up to date, have been conducted by Elsafra II according to an innovative logic that did not expose the company to any financial risks, having signed partnerships with some of the most important local and international active operators on the market. Therefore, the transaction is identifiable as a consultation, and on the other, as a pure real estate arbitrage. Elsafra II has established a partnership with the Darian Group, whose director is among other things a founding partner of the Tecnocasa Group. Up to now, Elsafra II has availed itself of the assistance of qualified professionals and partners who have been operating in this field for over thirty years.



                                    SOCIETÉ BANCAIRE PRIVÉE





Negli ultimi anni, Elsafra II si è dedicata allo sviluppo di start-up e progetti innovativi, collaborando inizialmente con le principali università italiane.


Il percorso va dall'incubazione e sviluppo fino al primo livello di industrializzazione e al successivo inserimento sul mercato.

Elsafra ha sempre portato avanti queste attività in modo autonomo e "artigianale", cercando di assicurare le risorse necessarie per completare con successo ogni fase del processo.

Questa innovazione assoluta di "fare finanza" è dovuta all’esperienza storica e consolidata della società che trova le sue origini nella “finanza tradizionale”, associata all’evoluzione della stessa, volta al sostentamento della ricerca, all’incubazione e allo sviluppo dei progetti. Ciò è anche reso possibile grazie ad una nuova entità ideata da Elsafra II denominata Pentagon.


  • Controllo totale della filiera

  • Nascita dei progetti

  • Certificazione dei progetti e collocamento sul mercato

  • Gli investitori hanno la possibilità di conoscere il prodotto in cui investono a 360°.


Elsafra II si avvale dell'ampia esperienza dei suoi partner e della solida rete di collaborazioni strategiche per offrire un apporto di competenze professionali in tutte le fasi della consulenza.

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