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Impresa di partecipazione e società di consulenza strategica

Strategic Financial Advisory


ELSAFRA II is a financial Holding company, a «hub» where expertise, experiences, and assets synergistically come together, enabling the success of numerous international operations since the '80s, which converge in Elsafra II to be developed with dedication and involvement.

In Elsafra II, connections are forged and the future is built through continuous development and attention to every business-related detail. It is a gravitational ecosystem for young enterprises, of which the holding itself holds shares and participations, fueling their innovation.

The authority gained in the financial, technological, scientific, industrial, and real estate sectors by all partners constitutes an additional element of absolute solidity for the company, creating opportunities and new business ventures.


Ragazzo che analizza il mercato finanziario

We treat every Investor as an Individual

Having full knowledge of the supply chain, the risks for investors are eliminated since we are the first investors in our projects.

Ragazza che guarda il computer

Positive social

impact ​

Our mission is to create long-term relationships with our partners to develop technologies related to ecological transition, sustainable from an economic and environmental point of view.



Properties located in Lombardy, Piedmont, Marche and Sardinia.


Years of History


Business Partners






Years of experience 

edificio di milano


The world linked to Elsafra II's activities has been formed in various business sectors since the company officially took its place in the Italian market. 


Elsafra II holds 34% of I-H2 S.r.l., 49% ofI-Smelt S.r.l., 24% of Revolup S.r.l., 10,7% of Ambrogest S.p.A. relative majority shareholder of Ambromobiliare S.p.A. and 100% of RB II S.r.l. Financial Consulting, Communication and Financial Marketing company.

Elsafra II has developed a venture called Pentagon, where ideas and projects converge with the aim of creating innovative technologies for both national and international markets through the establishment of dedicated startups for each individual project. The close collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, as well as with prominent experts in the field of "green technology" and "renewable energies," ensures the meticulous development of industrial processes.


The long dance of Arcelor and the government over the corpse of Ilva. And over the workers.

The only viable alternative to save the factory is to bring Vulcan Green Steel to Taranto. But it's a race against time because the Franco-Indian giant is working on shutting down the plants.


Companies increasingly "involved" in decarbonisation

"RIMINI – A path that is still long and full of unknowns. But it is becoming increasingly popular within companies, involving all divisions. It is the path towards zero emissions in the national and European steel industry, which was the topic discussed in the round table, moderated by Francesca Morandi, siderweb content manager, who animated the 
conference «Steel: ecological transition between raw materials, market and CBAM» organized today by siderweb in collaboration with Consorzio Ricrea Acciaio."

Stefano Ferrari - Siderweb

A Steel Hope for the Future

An Italian company is about to open the first furnace to produce metal without using coal and without releasing carbon dioxide. Perhaps the first step in a revolution in one of the most polluting supply chains. 


Gloria Riva - L'Espresso


"Pyrolysis plant companies - Biocoal production chain - Biocoal production chain development". 

Read more -

The Machinery

Revolup participates in the SWITCH 2 PRODUCT competition of the Politecnico di Milano, and has been selected in the final phase among 45 projects, winning access to the Innovation Boost Program. 

Switch 2 Product

Former Ilva, incoming commissioner: a decree to eliminate ArcelorMittal

The extraordinary administration for the former Ilva is put in black and white.


Corriere della Sera

"Last call for Ilva"

"Many steel mills, from Acciaieria Arvedi S.p.A. to Marcegaglia which, not having the debt situation of Adi at all clear, are no longer focusing on an investment in Taranto. Rather they are cannibalizing Adi's market shares ex Ilva. They aim to become producers of primary steel themselves, investing in the latest generation electric furnaces, capable of producing steel starting from biocarbon, a material generated from end-of-life wood and sludge, that reacts with the mineral iron in an electric pre-reducer furnace, and produces primary steel with low environmental impact. 

The technology is owned by I-Smelt (, a company owned by Carlo Mapelli, professor of Materials Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, previously on the board of directors of the former Ilva, whose role was to bring green technology to Taranto. 

A first example of an active I-Smelt electric oven is in Sovere's (BG) steelworks, and Marcegaglia, Zanardi Fonderie S.p.A., Acciaierie Venete spa, Acciaieria Arvedi S.p.A., Feralpi Group, but also Ferriera Valsabbia Spa and Tamburi were present. Soon it will be the turn of three American multinationals. All interested in the project to create zero-impact plants by the first half of 2024."

Gloria Riva - L'Espresso

Elsafra II and the Politecnico di Milano, an epochal turning point in the production of hydrogen: goal achieved.

Goal reached

Carlo Mapelli returns from Boston where he was called by the Boston Metal for technical and scientific advice

"Technology and sustainability; the construction industry rediscovers the wood supply chain. 

Not only are wooden buildings less harmful to the environment, they can even generate a positive impact."

The analysis:

less emissions, now more training and research

Click here 

Sustainable steel and hydrogen, Elsafra II aims with two startups on the Nasdaq

Through a strategic collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and under the scientific direction of Prof.Ing. Carlo Mapelli, the financial holding Elsafra II S.p.A. is at the forefront in the selection of innovative projects. These are developed, patented, and subsequently integrated into special purpose companies. The latter, unique in their kind, represent a "turning point" both in the steel and metallurgical industry and in the production of hydrogen.

Emily Capozucca - Corriere della Sera

Falck's one-two with Carlo Mapelli in hydrogen and steel

Enrico Falck joins the company born from a project by Carlo Mapelli, professor of Politecnico di Milano, to produce green hydrogen with a technology different from the most widespread ones. The company is called I-H2 and Falk, president of the historic family group, took over 2% of it through the Larry family office, alongside other investors. I-H2 has finished testing and is creating the first production module at the Agrimeccanica of Crema. The technology is based on the breakdown of methane and, in addition to producing hydrogen at lower costs than electrolysis systems, it obtains crystalline graphite as a resulting material, which can be used as a raw material. Falck's Larry also took over 1% of I-Smelt, another company born from Mapelli's ideas, which aims to produce pre-reduced products to fuel green steelworks.

La Repubblica


On May 29, 2023 our president of

I-Smelt Carlo Mapelli, was invited to the Conviviale del Rotary Club of Buccinasco to talk about the "ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION IN THE INDUSTRY"

Green Economy

We have reached an agreement that will allow us to satisfy our internal market, allowing the formation of the Italian supply chain thanks to our institutional relations at the highest levels with the Senegalese government. Our extremely important objectives are: to follow the path of the green economy through logics of international cooperation in a country undergoing enormous development, yet conditioned in equal measure by emissions, and to start an international production process.



More Articles

"From iron oxide briquettes and biocoal to sponge iron." 

The pyrolysis splitting of gas to obtain solid carbon and hydrogen is being tested. "if we want to achieve carbon neutrality in good time, we must also think about the storage and sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere".

"2023 will not be the year of the Apocalypse of the Italian steel industry: word of Carlo Mapelli."

"Stop on the sale of endothermic cars in 2035. But is electric the only solution?"

On the latest issue of "In Fonderia" magazine, dedicated to the future of the automotive industry, we hosted an interview with Carlo Mapelli, who took stock of the green transition and the (realistic) prospects for the industry


On September 30 2022, as part of Green Week, the Prada Group and Forestami presented the symposium "Nature at the center of research and the design of workspaces" at the La Triennale di Milano, an opportunity to discuss the role of nature as a key element for people's health. 

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